Successful projects delivered by TTC
- Development of specifications and a performance management regime for 11 regional and national ITS services in South Africa including, Freeway Management, Incident Management Systems (IMS), Fleet Management, Law Enforcement Support, Toll Agency Operations Monitoring, Automatic Traveller Information System (ATIS) and Asset Management (2009–ongoing). Currently a permanent member of SANRAL’s performance management committee (2010–ongoing).
- Chair of the UK Department for Transport’s Interoperability Forum Technical Committee (IFTEC) to lead the development of a suite of interoperability specifications by 30 public and private organisations.
- Project manager for Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) trials at Tate’s Cairn Tunnel and Eastern Harbour Crossing pilot ETC systems (Hong Kong).
- Independent advisor to an investment bank regarding the financing of a European infrastructure project.
- Expert witness services in a patent law suit.
- Technical and policy advisor to the Indonesia Transport Society (MTI).
- Independent Engineer for the migration of a private South African road operator scheme to align with South Africa’s national ETC scheme (2009–ongoing).
- Evaluator of ITS grant applications to the Flanders government (Belgium).
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